Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's been a rough day at our house. This big boy is weighing in at 13.4 lbs on his 2 month birthday. That is about the 90th percentile.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Gym Day 1: Check

Well I didn't run 13.1 miles today but 2 things are certain:

1. My waistline is definitely not in any hurry to reappear.
2. I did reach my mini gym goal I set for myself for Day 1 so that is good news.

Friday, June 04, 2010

This Week

We have been trying to keep ourselves busy while Morris has been away.

We spent a day at the pool with friends.
Aunt Mallory arrived to keep us company. Jensen was in love immediatly.

We went to Charlottesville and walked around UVA campus and...
had a picnic in a nearby garden.
We made treats for my doctor to take to my 6 week appointment.
Yep, it has been 6 weeks already.
Other highlights of the week:
Jensen slept just over 7.5 hours last night, I was awake the last hour just waiting for him to wake up.
I dropped off our last rent check-EVER!