Monday, September 27, 2010

Raise Your Hand...

if you think I am cute?

Jensen apparently thinks he is very adorable. At least I am raising a humble child.

But I kind of have to agree with him.

Ode to Richmond

Today I miss you (and every Thursday)

I miss your beautiful fall trees and the long fall season.

I miss the good friends you provided me with, good friends are hard to find and impossible to replace.

I miss your Nordstrom, you were small but satisfied a desire and sometimes a need.

I miss your delicious Celesti Gelati ice cream and the amazing "just ask" flavor that I worry I may never have again.

I miss walks in the evening that often turned into a neighborhood party.

I miss playing the train game with friends while eating cookies and drinking Root Beer.

I miss seeing lightning bugs in the summer evenings.

I miss not being able to take a bus to NYC.

I miss our not living in the "real world" yet lifestyle.

Today I miss you.

Until we meet again.