Monday, September 27, 2010

Ode to Richmond

Today I miss you (and every Thursday)

I miss your beautiful fall trees and the long fall season.

I miss the good friends you provided me with, good friends are hard to find and impossible to replace.

I miss your Nordstrom, you were small but satisfied a desire and sometimes a need.

I miss your delicious Celesti Gelati ice cream and the amazing "just ask" flavor that I worry I may never have again.

I miss walks in the evening that often turned into a neighborhood party.

I miss playing the train game with friends while eating cookies and drinking Root Beer.

I miss seeing lightning bugs in the summer evenings.

I miss not being able to take a bus to NYC.

I miss our not living in the "real world" yet lifestyle.

Today I miss you.

Until we meet again.


Hksedwick said...

I MISS YOU!!! You guys are so awesome. I can't wait until this weekend when I will get to see you.

Aly said...

Richmond definitely misses you!! I love the walks that turn into neighborhood true. Ah, this is going to me next year. Sad! And why is Heather going to see you this weekend?

Christen said...

I feel the exact same! Now, please post pics of that little Jensen!

Joy and Ted said...

And Richmond misses you!

Heidi said...

Crazy that after all our years of talking about real-life you are finally there. I kind of feel like I am there, but not as much as you.

More Jensen please

deb said...

I miss you not taking a bus to NYC, too.

jaredandjen said...

We miss you guys too! Jensen is soooooo stinkin cute!

Sara said...

i did not need to read that right now! i am teary eyed thinking of you, and thinking of leaving this fantasy world! virginia misses you right back and can't wait for your return!!! oh and Jensen is way too cute!!! oh my!