Sunday, June 08, 2008

Virginia or Bust

After several long days of too much driving we finally reached Virginia. I will update on our last month in LA soon.


Erica said...

I'm glad you guys made it, but we miss you :( You actually drove by my hometown in east Texas on your way there.

melissamay said...

i'm glad you made it safe and sound. Now tell us all about it!

Woolf Family said...

oh you just missed coming to see us. but it looks like you took a much faster way.
congrats! What is your new apartment like?

Rick and Janae said...

Yeah!! I am totally jealous that you are already there.

Jacy said...

I'm glad you made it! I can't wait to hear all about life on the other coast. Congrats on making it through that hectic last month and the move!

The Thomases said...

I'm glad you guys made it safely. Too bad we missed you on your stop in San Antonio!

Jamie said...

I have been thinking about you a lot and was wondering when you making the move. i am glad you made it there, can't wait to see virginia from all your posts!

Jessica Davis said...

Hey, we've been thinking about you guys. I'm glad you made it to Virginia and that all is well. Can't wait to hear the update and see how you guys are doing.

Heidi said...

Once you are back from Utah I expect regular blog posts since you don't have ajob yet. I need to catch up on your life.

Dr. Joel Henriod said...

Yeah! Come visit us soon when you can stand being in your car again. We're not that far away!!!
Glad you are safe and looking forward to hearing about your last days in CALI.

Lofgrens said...

Glad you made it. What a trip! We feel your pain (though ours wasn't as long, we did have a two year old and two cats in the car with us). Good luck in Virginia!

The Corbridge's said...

Anxiously awaiting to see how your trip went! :)

betsey said...

Please Poole's, update your blog!!! I need some info about your last weeks in L.A. and life in Virginia...I'm on pins and needles!

missing you guys!

Bobbi said...

Congratulations to you both on Mo's graduation! Good luck in Virginia--it's a beautiful place.

tHaRp said...

NEW POST NEW POST NEW POST!!!! (imagine me chanting this) I need to see your face again! I'm glad we got to talk this week, I miss you, thanks for your support!

Emily Falconbridge said...

aaaagh, you're gone already! so sad :(
i want to hear all the deets!!