Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A New Sunday Night Tradition

and maybe a few other nights in between.

For Christmas I gave Morris a crepe pan so we could continue the Poole family tradition of crepes on New Years Eve since we were going to be spending the holidays in the east away from our families. So we had crepes on New Year's Eve,

and most Sunday nights since---shhhh don't tell our New Year's resolutions.

Morris makes them and we both eat them.
This really was a Sunday so that is why we were in our comfy gear (Morris asked me to explain the gray sweats)

My favorite is Nutella, banana and fresh whip cream.

Morris's pick is maple syrup, whip cream and strawberries.

They are just to yummy for once a year.


Jordan and Chandra Smith said...

I have just discovered how to make crepes as of yesturday and we LOVE them!!! My sister-in-law gave us this great recipe. I love the nutella as well!!

Mindy said...

Ashley, that is such a thoughtful gift. I can't wait until we can all be together again for New Years. You guys are so cute!

Mrs. M said...

You got the good pan - I tried 4 different pans on New Year's and that one is the best!

Berkley Hannah Pond said...

hey we had creeps last night on valintines day!! berkley

Anonymous said...

We have a new tradition, crepe party on valentines night. There were about 15 people at Nana's last night. We went through two containers of Nutella. Hope your trips were fun.

Sara said...

Umm, every Sunday huh? Good to know... I just might happen to stop by on sundays more often at the Poole household! Morris makes awesome crepes=)