Thursday, June 21, 2007

Can I be Sugar Free?

...I am not convinced. Last Saturday I decided I was going to attempt to cut sugar out of my diet. Not all sugars--I love bread way to much to do that. I am going to try to get rid of snacks and desserts (my ultimate weakness). I feel like every meal should be ended with a dessert of some sort or even just dessert for dinner (I only get away with this when my husband does not make it home for dinner).

So it is now Thursday (6 days) and I have done much better than I thought I would--thank goodness for Diet Pepsi. I secretly did not want to tell anyone so I could sneak a treat every now and then. I guess I blew that plan. I realize I have to do much more than just simply get rid of sweets to see an improvement in my waistline but we are going to take baby steps.

Here's to being sugar free--sort of.


Heidi said...

WOw you are brave. I cannot do without sugar. I also feel like dinner should always end with something sweet. If not an actualy dessert, usually I have cereal to satify this craving. Also sometimes fruit will do the trick. Fruit has sugar though, so I guess I have no good advice.

The Thomases said...

Good for you! I totally wish I had the self-control to conquer my sugar cravings. I don't think I could go for 24 hours without something sweet. Good Luck!!!

The Thomases said...

P.S. Thanks for the tip on the Big Chill. I'll probably try it out this weekend.

betsey said...

Go Ashley go! You can do it :)

Erica said...

You are much stronger than I am.

Melinda said...

Go Ash! I couldn't do it... I already know that. I have had some good days lately though, I agree with Heidi... the fruit can help. When I first saw the picture on your blog I thought you had found some new treats that are sugar free. If they looked like the one in the picture I was going to be stoked! We can dream right! You can do it! Keep it up!

Jessica Davis said...

Hey Ashley, you're not the only one who can stalk online! Your blog is cute--Mark and I can keep better tabs on you and Mo now.

Jenn said...

Okay funny story. You may think you don't know me,....but you do:) I went to high school with you a million years ago. I was looking at my sister's blog and ran across Jessica Davis's blog (not sure how but I did). So anyway I noticed your comment and you looked really familiar and I noticed your name was Ashley. Then I read through your older posts to see if you were an Allen. YOU ARE! YAY! So anyway, you have a way cute blog, and Congrats on your no sugar resolves, that is exciting! You look GREAT! I promise I am not a psycho stalker, I was just bored at work:)

Jacy said...

Good luck Ashley! I always try to do this for just a day and I end up eating a gallon of ice cream at midnight. I had to laugh, though, when you said you didn't want to tell anyone so you wouldn't feel bad about cheating... totally sounds like something I would do. So kudos for letting us all know! Good luck!!

Heidi said...

You SO don't need to work on your waistline! Are you kidding me :) Loved your blog!