Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Finally--A 4th Year

This may be a bit premature but I am going to celebrate anyway. Last week Morris completed his finals for his 3rd year of dental school. We spent the night celebrating in Westwood. We had pizza for dinner, did a bit of shopping (for me, sorry Morris) and strolled through the Hammer Museum. It was the perfect night to be out celebrating before Morris hit the books once again to prepare to take the GRE next week. 3 years down 1 to go (and then a few more for residency)! Congratulations Morris on completing 3 years!


Heidi said...

Wow I can't believe he is a 4th year- that is crazy! It has flown by for me ;-)

Rick and Janae said...

I cannot believe they are 4th years already! It has gone by way too fast! I keep thinking about them being done next year and I don't know how I am going to handle moving away from everyone.

The Thomases said...

Marc and I did the same thing. I kept telling everyone at the wedding reception that my husband was completing his last final and that in a few hours we would offically be 4th years. It is a great feeling!