Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Star Sighting

It happened today at about 12:00pm. I walked into the pharmacy in Beverly Hills and standing in line just before me was----Chris Rock. Really truly it was him. Given the fact that we live in Los Angeles and I frequent the Beverly Hills area daily for work you would think this would not be my fist encounter with a celeb. I didn't do anything embarrassing I just grabbed my prescriptions took a second look to make sure my eyes were not fooling me and sure enough it was still Chris Rock. I walked out the door and my first thought was- bummer I don't have a picture to put on the blog. Oh well. Hopefully Mr. Rock will be feeling better soon. Star Sightings to date: Bruce Willis, Reba McIntyre, Vanna White, Larry King, Hillary Duff, Dr. Rey (Dr. 90210--not sure E network counts) Buzz Aldrin and Sylvester Stalone.