Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To Rock

Last year we rescued a broken rocking chair from the garbage can that our friends had planned for its future. The chair sat around for a while before we decided to do anything with it. We had a hard time agreeing on a paint color and then I took an even longer time figuring out what I wanted to do with the seat. I looked for a long time before I decided on this fabric to decoupage.

There may still be a few minor adjustments and maybe a cute kelly green pillow will be added. But here is mostly the final product.

Oh and this is what we started with.
Here is a better view of the fabric.
One step closer to Baby Pooles arrival.


Heidi said...

So cute Ash. Remember how much Max loved climbing into it to read books?

Aly said...

It looks so good! And kelley green would be perfect. I love the colors. You will have to teach me the secrets of decoupaging fabric. Have fun in LA!

Joy and Ted said...

Wow! It looks awesome. I am SO impressed! MIss ya already. ;)

Karolyn said...

You did an amazing job on this. I would love to know how you did it too.

The Miles Family said...

Wow..you can decoupage fabric? Who knew. It looks so good now.

tHaRp said...

excellent excellent choice Ash! Super cute! Love the postage, good work! Don't you think we should see each other since we live so close? Something's got to give!