Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Next Stop...Richmond, VA

We found out early this morning that Morris was matched at Virginia Commonwealth University for an orthodontic residency. We are so excited for this new adventure. The program begins July 1st so we have a month after graduation to make our way from one coast to the other. Morris has already emailed his co residents and he is so excited to work with all of them. GO RAMS!


Rick and Janae said...

Congratulations! I kept checking your blog hoping you would post, we are so excited for you!

betsey said...

YIPPPEEE!!! Congratulations Ashley and Morris! We are SO EXCITED for your new adventure! Virginia is so beautiful and you will have all sorts of fun times in Washington D.C. too! Way to go!!!

Lofgrens said...

Sweet! You guys rule! Congrats on matching! I'm sure you'll have fun out there.

The Thomases said...

Yeah!!! I'm so excited for you guys!

Taylor said...

congrats you guys! we're very excited for you!

Emily Andrus said...

CONGRATS-kevin told me it was Ortho match day so I'm so glad you did not disappoint and posted on your blog. I've heard that's a great school. Way to go Morris!

melissamay said...

YAY for Morris!! Man you are going from one coast to the other. You will love it out there it is beautiful. I'm really jealous.

Kindermusik with Celeste said...

Yea!!! Congrats to Morris...and you too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! VA is GORGEOUS!!


Heidi said...

Wait how do you already have gear from there? Did you buy it on your last trip? We are so stoked for you guys and you better invest in a blow up bed because Ben and I may come crash for a month. And of course I will have to come visit other than that as well!

Melinda said...

Today is a happy day for the Pooles! Congrats! I am so happy since this was your first choice... but sad because my family vacations wont be the same without you guys! Oh well... we will just have to visit you there.

Ps. You guys look so cute... I love the shorter hair!

the youngs said...

Wahoo!! Yippee!! Right On!!

Jamie said...

That is so exciting! I will have to come visit you out there because I have never been there. Congratulations! You guys are so cute.

Erica said...

Congrats! Virginia is. . . so far away, but it sounds fantastic.

Jacy said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats!! That is so exciting. Brian sent me a text message this morning that you guys are going there because VA is definitely one of his favorites. So maybe we'll be there next year, too! I'm SO excited for you!!

Ryan and Emily said...

That is so awesome! Congratulations!! I hope you guys had fun celebrating! I can't believe you guys are going to be leaving in about 6 months. We sure are going to miss you!

Breaching Chaos said...

Yay! I getto visit Virginia! And you were worried about matching...honestly, who has ever told either Morris and Ashley no and actually succeeded?

'They will tell you NO, and you will tell them YES'- right Mo ;)

Michelle said...

Congrats you guys! That must feel so great just knowing where you're going..and that it's somewhere you actually want to go! I've never been to DC, so hopefully I can come for a visit too...sounds like you may have a lot of them! I can't believe it's already time to move away from Cali, but what a perfect place for you guys to be. Hope you're doing well, miss you!

Christen said...

Ok, I hope you don't think this is totally weird, but I randomly found your blog and my husband is a dental student at VCU right now! We love it here and there are so many students in our ward - med and dental. It's a great place. Congratulations!


Dr. Joel Henriod said...

OH Yeah! I remember now...We will definitely have to get together. You are not very far from us!!!Maybe a little over 5 hours?