Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Main Street Mile

Three years ago my brother began a race in Boise called the Main Street Mile to promote men's health. Many of my family member have traveled to Boise over the last couple years to run in the race and to support Jeff in his efforts. This was the first year Morris and I were able to be there on race day. It was so fun to watch as my nieces and nephews run behind an ice cream truck and to see the delight on there faces at the end of the race when they each were rewarded with an ice cream bar. My nephew Lincoln (Jeff's son) who is almost 2 was born with club feet, he wore casts and braces for the first months of his life to correct his condition. It was neat and very emotional for me to see him complete the race on his own with his dad holding his little hand the entire way.


Heidi said...

Seriously I love that story of Lincoln. Anet said he was in a daze for like the hour following it he was so pooped- that is a long way for him to go!