Sunday, July 15, 2007

Weekend Events

Morris and I had a pretty peaceful weekend. After being out of town for so long we were both looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home. On Friday night we headed to Santa Monica to run the "Santa Monica Stairs". Completely exhausted and some 500 stairs later we decided some cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory was well deserved. We picked up a video and enjoyed our cheesecake at home. Saturday we headed to dinner in Torrance and then decided to take a scenic drive home on the PCH. We took a walk on the beach looking at all the nice beach houses and talked about the joys of living in Southern California. I like being a Cali girl--for now.


Jacy said...

Wow-- that looks like some serious stair climbing! You definitely deserved some cheesecake!! (Though I am curious to know how that sugar-free thing is going....) And the beach stroll sounds lovely!

Anonymous said...

Hola desde Mexico! soy la Hna. Marilyn Cotte de mexico Miembro d ela Iglesia Conoci al Elder Poole, en la mision mexico -Puebla estuvo en mi area, posiblemnte ya no nos recuerde, vivimos en ese tiempo en la estaca Tlaxcallan ahora pertenecemos a ATEMPAN, en Tlaxcala, por coincidencia navegando en la pagina oficial de misioneros d ela iglesia encontre su perfil y vi su blog, me dio mucho gusto despues de tantos aƱos, me dio mucho gusto saberlo casado con una linda esposa se les ve muy felices, y ojala podamos estar en contacto, yo ahora tengo un doctorado en Criminalista y una tienda de computo aqui en mexico. hace poco tiempo regrese de Italia donde vivi mucho tiempo por mis estudios en Criminalistica y Derecho. ojala puedan responderme mi e mail: envio muchos saludos!

p.d aun conservo una foto del Elder enla capilla de aqui. si gustan puedo enviarlaes un buen recuerdo.

Heidi said...

Um what is that random spanish comment above? weird.

Anyhow, that sounds like a great weekend to me- an outside workout, cheesecake and movie at home!

Jessica Davis said...

Wow, you guys are ambitious! Thanks again for the ride from the airport! You guys are great.

Heidi said...

ha ha I made Ben translate the above Spanish for me- I knew it had to be someone from the mission.